A Look at Some World-Class Technology

Technology makes a lot of things possible. It gets tasks done faster and better, whether you’re working on personal or a business objectives.

There are numerous models available for a laptop and a wide selections for projectors as well in retail stores and online. The best set of products for a laptop and those of projectors are the sort that give you not only the quality of the actual product but also the reliability of its system.

Laptops and projectors are important when it comes to business. The laptop gives employees the flexibility to work either in the comforts of their home or when they are on a business trip.  It also pairs up with the internet in giving them a constant communication and control over their business remotely. Projectors on the other hand, help businessmen in communicating better through their presentations to clients.

When it comes to …

A Look at Some World-Class Technology Read More

Did Silicon Valley Hijack the Definition of Technology?

Have you noted that when you go and read the news online, and read through the various stories from the syndicated websites that they usually have a technology section, and that technology section is filled with the latest gadgets, social networking methods, and any of the newest things coming from Silicon Valley? I have, and as a lover of technology, and coordinator for a think tank, I am disturbed by all this. Now then let me explain what I mean.

There are plenty of new technologies that are extremely important, technologies that if we didn’t have we wouldn’t be where we are today. Likewise many of the challenges of the future will be solved through technology. And most of the major challenges don’t have to do with the latest social network. For instance, if we want to solve the pollution problem, or have less CO2 in the atmosphere, …

Did Silicon Valley Hijack the Definition of Technology? Read More