Top 15 Email Hosting Terms You Must Know

Top 15 Email Hosting Terms You Must Know

Around 46% of multinational smartphone users choose to be contacted by businesses via email, which highlights the importance of email hosting services for businesses that are aiming to leverage this preference.

But before planning to buy domain and web hosting, it is always better to have a clear understanding of different terms you shall come across while getting your Australian email hosting, for instance, domain email address (an email address formed using email). However, this term was simple; there are various terms to look into.

In this article, we shall look into 15 email hostingterms which will make you thorough before you make your move toward a big business purchase for a solid online presence.

15 Must Know Terms related to email hosting

1.      Dedicated email hosting

Dedicated Australian email hosting focuses on providing you with a set amount of space and bandwidth that is distinct from web hosting.

However, having this account doesn’t necessarily ensure you will have an exclusive server for your use.

2.      Business email address

A professional or business email address is an email address which contains your business domain name, for instance, (connecting with your customer).

It helps to link your email and website together, giving your business a professional demeanour.

3.      Control Panel

Control panels are remote controls that web hosting companies provide for managing their accounts and websites.

They come with a wide range of options, such as managing domain names, installing a content management system, e.g. WordPress-, adding email addresses, and more.

While there are various control panels available, Plesk and cPanel are two of the most familiar ones.

Furthermore, some companies have tailor-built control panels exclusively designed for their website.

4.      cPanel

cPanel is one of the well-known hosting control panels, mainly due to its ease of use. cPanel allows its users to manage all aspects of email and web hosting efficiently.

It delivers features such as mail, file, database, and domain management, and security features as well.

5.      Uptime

The term uptime is used to represent the loading speed of a website, which means the amount of time in which the server is up and running without any interruptions. The opposite is Downtime.

The standard uptime offered by hosting providers is, 99%.and in case there are some issues, then users receive compensation when the email hosting provider’s uptime falls below this level.

6.      POP3

POP3 is a system helper that brings all your email from the server to your mailbox, but once the delivery is made, it removes the copy of your email from the post office, which turns off tracking any spam letter.

7.      IMAP

IMAP is an advanced system structure which not only brings your email from the server to your system but also maintains its copy on the server.

And if there is a spam email, then IMAP’s advanced features notify it and safeguard your system by putting it aside before it can reach your server.

8.      Service Level Agreement

SLA is a registered agreement between the user and the hosting company. It delivers an overview of the level of service a user should anticipate from the hosting provider.

It usually contains details on the uptime stating that the user can ask for a reimbursement if the service provider fails to offer and hold the promised uptime level.

9.      Autoresponder

Autoresponder permits you to set up automatic responses, which can be used for several purposes.

For instance, autoresponders can allow you to send your audience a free resource whenever they sign up for your mailing list or newsletter.

10.   Disk Space

Disk space refers to the amount of storage space allotted to each account on the server.

The quantity of disk space dictates the amount of room available on a server to hold your files and assets.

Certain hosts even offer ”unlimited” disk space on their hosting plans.

11.   Cloud email hosting

Cloud email hosting service delivers its users with powerful email tools that they can access over the internet.

With cloud-based email hosting, the email host will serve and represent an email like any other cloud-based service.

It will equip you with tools to send, receive and provide space for email messages and security and maintenance.

12.   Domain name system

A domain name system is a system used for naming computers and network services. It makes your internet user-friendly and translates the alphanumeric domain name into a string of numbers, which makes up the IP address of a website.

With the help of this system, the browsers connect with servers to display to the user the website they are visiting.

Without the DNS, users would have to provide complex, numerical IP addresses for every website they want to visit.

Note: Every web host has its DNS nameservers.

13.   Bandwidth

Bandwidth directs the quantity of information that can be carried along with the communications channel during a period. In the world of hosting, bandwidth generally refers to the total data transfer.

 It is commonly expressed in bits per second. For instance, 50 Mbps shows a data transfer rate of 50-60 million bits per second.

14.   ISP Hosting

The ISP provides you with mail servers that are used for standard personal email communication. You can make use of this service to send emails in large amounts.

There are limitations on the total number of emails one can send through ISP servers.

For example, if you wish to send an email in bulk, you have to opt for an email hosting service from a website hosting provider or an independent email hosting company.

15.   Email-based Collaboration Services

You can get your email enhanced by extra collaborative software with email-based collaboration services.

This typically includes features such as calendars, address diaries, folders, task lists, etc., which can be shared, viewed as well and revised among different groups of people.

Businesses and other individuals who need to collaborate online can make use of the benefits of these types of service providers.


Get thorough with these terms and make your email hosting experience more efficient and tailored to your business needs.